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Complexities of insect ears

Νοε 15, 2013 20:59

Humans do not have a monopoly on eardrums, they are common among insects. Interestingly, crickets show more elaborate control over tympanal membranes than humans.

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Viable water-based varnishes

Νοε 15, 2013 20:58

European legislation requires the use of water-based varnishes for timber. New technology addresses their weaknesses and makes them more competitive.

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Designing and testing of counter-rotating open rotors

Νοε 15, 2013 20:57

The aviation industry is currently responsible for a large portion of global greenhouse gas emissions. New research is improving and testing rotor blade design as part of a larger initiative established to improve the sustainability of commercial aviation.

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Two-photon microscopy of T cell activation

Νοε 15, 2013 20:56

Activation of T cells is at the centre of immune response development. The INVIVO TCELL IMAGING project analysed the role of isoforms of phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) in this process.

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