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Improved earthquake prediction

Νοε 15, 2013 21:03

A novel combined approach to detecting earthquakes before they happen has gained new ground. The implications of such an accomplishment for saving lives and property could be enormous.

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Advanced optical layers for thin-film solar cell technology

Νοε 15, 2013 21:02

Photovoltaic (PV) technology that converts the Sun's energy into electricity is proposed for widespread market uptake. Demonstrated improvements in conversion efficiency at laboratory scale and in prototype production point the way to optimised fabrication processes for large-scale production.

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Mathematical classification of algebraic structures using random walks theory

Νοε 15, 2013 21:01

An EU-funded project on pure mathematics sought out links between different areas of mathematics. Such discoveries could provide new insights that could be adapted to resolve complex problems in diverse fields ranging from physics to economics.

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Cognitive radio technology — smart technology for wireless networks

Νοε 15, 2013 21:00

There is a pressing need to develop a smarter system to allocate bandwidth to a number of wireless services so as to meet the growing demand for more space on the airwaves.

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