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Futuristic air travel

Νοε 28, 2013 13:28

Researchers are developing concepts for cruiser–feeder aircraft — large aircraft that fly fixed routes and receive passengers and fuel en route from smaller aircraft. These game-changing vehicles could substantially reduce the environmental impact of flying.

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New tools for mite study

Νοε 28, 2013 13:27

Parasitic mites are major pests globally but, as such, they also represent a source of biological control agents. DETANMITE, an EU-funded project, is developing state-of-the-art techniques to identify, characterise and classify this wide group of arthropods.

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Laws for robotics

Νοε 28, 2013 13:26

What laws and regulations are needed concerning robotic technology and similar systems? An EU project is finding out.

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Casting light on a new aircraft wing

Νοε 28, 2013 13:25

EU researchers are developing a system to measure the surface deformation of an aircraft's wing in flight. It will help monitor new aircraft with laminar flow wings for reduced drag and fuel consumption.

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