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A new collaboration era for the building sector

Νοε 28, 2013 13:46

The building sector has traditionally been fragmented. Many different actors are involved at different stages, from the design to the performance monitoring stage. They typically work separately at different times of the development of the building and rarely collaborate. The trouble is that it is not standard practice to perform overall simulations of the project before it starts.

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Study on Europe’s Digital Powerhouses: Software Clusters Compared

Νοε 28, 2013 13:44

European software clusters are individuals: They have clearly distinguishable profiles regarding growth, R&D activities, specialization, and economic success. This is a result of the “EU Software Cluster Benchmark 2013” ( published today.

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Computer engineers from the University of Oviedo incorporate voice recognition to access virtual campuses

Νοε 28, 2013 13:43

Researchers from the University of Oviedo have developed a system that incorporates a new access channel to the traditional e-learning platforms: your voice. Accessing a virtual campus via a mobile phone without needing to use a keyboard or improving accessibility for visually-impaired people to this type of platforms are some of the direct applications of the system designed by the PULSO research team (Pervasive and Ubiquitous Learning and Semantics Oviedo), led by Juan Ramón Pérez Pérez y Puerto Paule Ruiz, professors from the Department of Computer Science.

A project developed in Málaga allows people without mobility to communicate with their mind

Νοε 28, 2013 13:42

A team of investigators from the School of Telecommunications of the University of Málaga has developed a system that allows people with ALS to write on a computer thanks to the waves emitted by their brains.

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