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Quantum simulation

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:19

An EU-funded research project pushed the boundaries of knowledge in the simulation of relativistic quantum field theory systems. This area of theoretical physics is relevant to areas such as high-energy physics, quantum chemistry and computer simulation.

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Nanodiamonds to help target cancer cells

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:18

The use of nanoparticles (NPs) in biomedicine is an area of active research. EU-funded scientists are using biomimetic functionalisation strategies that could lead to targeted drug delivery with greater specificity and no toxicity.

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New insight into single cell biochemistry

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:17

Cells may carry the same genetic information (genome), but their characteristics vary due to differences in their phenotype. Elucidating these differences requires technological capability and resolution at the single-cell level.

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Viruses to treat childhood brain tumours

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:16

A new therapy based on oncolytic viruses is being tested for the treatment of paediatric gliomas. Used in combination with chemotherapy, this novel approach holds significant hope for a more effective treatment of this malignancy.

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