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27-05-2013 'PROsummer.NET Final Event - Major European Consumer Goods Innovation Showcase', Brussels, Belgium

Μάιος 24, 2013 10:28

The 'PROsummer.NET Final Event - Major European Consumer Goods Innovation Showcase' will be held from 27 to 28 May 2013 in Brussels, Belgium


29 Mαϊου 2013 - 3o Συνέδριο Ενέργειας του Economist: "Energy security on the road to 2030" (Βρυξέλλες)

Μάιος 21, 2013 13:25

Το 3ο Συνέδριο Ενέργειας του Economist με θέμα “Energy Security on the Road to 2030”, διεξάγεται στις 29 Μαΐου 2013 στο Brussels Marriott Hotel στις Βρυξέλλες.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες:

17-05-2013 Second International Conference on Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (ICEES'2013) (United Kingdom)

Μάιος 13, 2013 17:41

The Second International Conference on Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences will be held from 17 to 18 June 2013 in London, United Kingdom.

Chemicals released into the environment may have a variety of adverse ecological effects. Ranging from death of fish and other to forest decline, ecological effects can be long- or short-term changes in the normal functioning of an ecosystem, resulting in economic, social, and aesthetic losses. These potential effects are an important reason for regulation of pesticides, toxic substances, and other sources of pollution.

The event will bring together scientists, scholars, engineers and students from various universities and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and foster research relations between universities and the industry.

More details can be found at the following link:

19-05-2013 Third International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation (Denmark)

Μάιος 13, 2013 17:37

The Third International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation (ICEII 2013) will be held from 19 to 20 May 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The environmental problems currently facing advanced industrial countries are not new, and will continue to grow if nothing is done. Some people believe that regulation can help to address these problems, while at the same time make industry more competitive. Others however believe that innovation, which is central to industrial development, should not be hampered, and that solutions to environmental issues can be best answered by industry. What is not in doubt is that the scale of development seen in the last few decades cannot continue at its current pace without adapting, due to diminishing natural resources and the impact on the environment.

This event will bring together researchers, academics and industrial experts in order to exchange and promote research and developmental activities.

More details can be found at the following link:


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