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Πέμπτη 27 Ιούνιος 2013
Ημερομηνία Καταχώρησης Τίτλος Κατηγορία Άρθρου
27/06/2013 - 11:02 Less friction loss in combustion engines Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 11:00 Intelligent door seal prevents poor air quality Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:59 Effective privacy protection in social networks Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:58 Method developed for adding omega-3 fatty acids to foods Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:56 Quality control in the manufacturing cycle Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:55 OLED brings out the shine Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:53 Glove shows its true colors Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:51 Researchers from the University of Oviedo design an advanced system for the evaluation of victims of disasters Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:49 New roadmap for food and health research Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:48 New media clusters in the making Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:46 New stakeholder platform advances animal welfare Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:44 Eradicating malaria risk during pregnancy Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:41 Targeting nuclear waste with a proton beam Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:39 Good news for restorers of architectural treasures Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:36 More powerful lithium-ion batteries in the making Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:33 Modelling the impact of climate change on water Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:31 Safer, door-to-door transportation for school-goers Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:30 The health impact of indoor air pollution Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:29 Climate proof sea defences with a green twist Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:27 REFORM, opening up the way for low environmental impact products Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:24 "Unburnable" fuels: How to keep the oil in the soil Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:22 Multi-award winning MobiCloud EC project announces developer toolkit Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:20 FP7 FET CURVACE project unveils programmable miniature artificial compound eye Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:17 Using cattails for insulation Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:15 Solving the climate change vulnerabilities jigsaw Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:13 For first time atomic changes in a molecule during a chemical reaction photographed Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:12 Credit card fraudsters quickly exposed Είδηση
27/06/2013 - 10:10 November 4 - 6, 2013, Green Electronics 2013 Workshop “Resource Efficiency in the Electric and Electronics Industry”, Budapest, Hungary Εκδήλωση
27/06/2013 - 10:06 1 & 2 October 2013, ETP Nanomedicine Annual Event, Grenoble (France) Εκδήλωση
27/06/2013 - 10:03 1 έως 10 Ιουλίου 2013, Δωρεάν Διαδικτυακά Σεμινάρια Επιχειρηματικότητας Εκδήλωση



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