4 June 2019 - 4 June 2019
Brussels, Belgium
Investment in cybersecurity is crucial and at the very foundation of a functioning and trustworthy Digital Single Market. The EU has adopted a wide-range of cybersecurity and privacy measures, such as the NIS Directive, the GDPR, the Cybersecurity Act and the Blueprint. In support of this, €1 billion has been invested in cybersecurity and privacy under the EU’s Horizon 2014-2020 research programme, with a total of over 1,300 consortium partners in over 130 projects from sectors and across Europe.
But what next? As Horizon 2020 comes to an end what further steps can the European Commission take on key issues and emerging technologies to ensure that Europe’s quality in cybersecurity continues?
Through small and interactive break-out sessions and open panel discussions, this year’s Concertation meeting provides a platform for projects to contribute to the policy dialogue. The end result will be to provide the EC with a set of recommendations on how to move forward on the key strategic elements which can shape Europe’s R&I cybersecurity strategy.
Further details:
04/06/2019 - Concertation Meeting (Brussels, Belgium)