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Guidelines for evaluating genetic tests

Οκτ 25, 2013 12:12

Genetic tests used for screening and diagnosis of disease have become more common and have the potential to considerably improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Researchers have recently developed a toolkit that can be used to fully evaluate the impact of new genetic tests in the health care system.

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Growth factors to restore foetal lung growth

Οκτ 25, 2013 12:10

The insufficient development of lungs, a condition known as pulmonary hypoplasia, accounts for nearly 15 % of perinatal deaths. European researchers tested the effect of various growth factor interventions in the perinatal period to induce lung growth and improve foetal survival.

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Novel materials for sensing and catalysis

Οκτ 25, 2013 12:09

Nano-structured materials are integral components of more and more devices. The development of materials and processing techniques is a growing field of research soon to get a boost thanks to an EU-funded project.

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