Action grants to explore the role of internet tools in stimulating democratic participation and to investigate how digital tools can contribute to the stronger and longer-term engagement of citizens, under a Pilot Project E-voting: making the best use of modern technologies for more active and democratic voting procedures European society has changed considerably over the last 25 years as EU citizens increasingly live and work in the other Member States.
Political participation is central to citizenship, and it is essential to legitimising decision making in government. However, EU citizen’s political participation can be affected by red tape and outdated voting procedures. At the same time, low turnout in elections, including European Parliament elections and particularly among young people, is a challenge for democracies. To address these issues, ways should be explored to stimulate participation in elections for all citizens by making it easier to vote, including by making the best use of modern technologies.
Deadline Application: 24-01-2017
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Action grants under the 2014-2020 Horizon 2020 - research and innovation framework programme