Applicants are invited to submit their Project Proposals targeting both Priority Axes of the Programme between 17 May 2016 and 5 September 2016.
The Programme accepts applications under both Priority Axes:
Priority Axis 1: Promotion of the environment sustainable transport & public infrastructure
Specific Objective 1.1: Increase the capacity of CB infrastructure in transport, water & waste management
Specific Objective 1.2: Increase the effectiveness of environmental protection & sustainable use of natural resources
Specific Objective 1.3: Increase energy-efficiency and the use of RES
Specific Objective 1.4: Improve the effectiveness of risk prevention and disaster management with a focus on forest fires
Priority Axis 2: Boosting the local economy
Specific Objective 2.1: Preserve cultural and natural resources as a prerequisite for tourism development of the cross border area
Specific Objective 2.2: Improve cross-border capacity to support entrepreneurship, business survival and competitiveness
Further details:
2nd Call for Project Proposals at the IPA Cross-border Programme “Greece-Albania 2014-2020”