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SEED Awards for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, 8 Απρίλιος, 2014

The SEED Awards for Entrepreneurs in Sustainable Development is an annual awards scheme designed to find the most promising, innovative and locally led start-up social and environmental entrepreneurs in countries with developing and emerging economies. An international jury of experts selects enterprises which have the potential to make real improvements in poverty eradication and environmental sustainability while contributing to a greener economy.


SEED welcomes innovative ideas from any enterprise in a developing country or country in transition, which is working in partnership with others to generate economic, environmental and social benefits.

SEED Awards Winners must:

- Demonstrate entrepreneurship and innovation;
- Deliver economic, social and environmental benefits;
- Intention and potential to become financially sustainable;
- A partnership between different stakeholder groups;
- Locally driven or locally led;
- Potential for scale up or significant replication;
- In the early stages of implementation;
- In a country with a developing or emerging economy

Deadline: 08/04/2014

Further information:


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