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Profiling atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the main cause of death in most of the western world. A novel model combining arterial mechanics and blood flow dynamics promises to shed new light on mechanisms and treatments.

Atherosclerosis, literally from the Greek 'hardening' of the arteries, is a condition characterised by a build-up of plaque consisting of fat, cholesterol and other substances along the arterial walls. Blood flow and interactions with the deformations in the arterial wall play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. Such mechanisms lend themselves to mathematical descriptions of forces and flows.

Scientists initiated the EU-funded project 'Integrated computational model framework for the study of atherosclerosis' (ICOMATH) to combine blood flow dynamics and arterial wall mechanics in a single model of atherosclerosis processes and mechanisms. Changing model parameters and testing novel hypotheses will increase understanding of pathobiological substrates of the disease. One to be investigated is low-density lipoprotein (LDL), often called 'bad cholesterol'), which is known to be a major component of plaque.

During the first project period, scientists developed and optimised two methods for using ultrasound to study the propagation of shear waves in tissues including arteries. The methods were used to increase spatial resolution of estimated viscoelastic tissue properties. These results have been published or accepted for publication.

A third study focused on the use of a three-dimensional (3D) finite element method (FEM) model and an established viscoelastic model (the Voigt model) to improve performance of the algorithms related to propagation of shear waves and interpretation of physical phenomena. These three models will be combined in the next period to produce a multi-layer model of the arterial wall.

Scientists are also developing image processing and classification algorithms to characterise atherosclerotic plaques obtained from clinical samples. Continued work will target the blood flow model and a model of LDL transport and plaque formation for a comprehensive description of atherosclerosis, including mechanisms and effects.

Enhanced understanding of biopathological mechanisms will facilitate development of better therapies for this disease.

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